Taylor's first time outside in my parent's hot tub with the family! She liked it in there too! As long as it's not too windy she's okay but as soon as the wind picks up it is no longer fun!
My boys enjoying their ice cream sundae on Father's Day! Connor is still talking about that nice man who gave him the ice cream sundae and how we need to go back there to get another one!
Taylor in one of her super cute bikini tops! She loves to sit in that chair! As long as she is sitting up able to look around at the world she is most likely happy!
Zachary being cute, and yes I know he needs a new haircut, it's on my list of things I need to do!
Taylor hanging out waiting for mommy to quit taking pictures of her! I swear when I put her in that outfit everyone thought she was a boy! I went to a baby shower that day and not one person thought she was a girl!
For some reason Connor is looking so big in this picture! He is having such a good time making his sister laugh and cooing at her!
Taylor's first taste of baby food, she wasn't too sure of this new idea and after a couple spoonfuls she spit it back up!
Again looking super cute in one of her bikini's!