baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Taylor's Video

Okay so Taylor has been cracking us up this week with the use of her vocal cords! She makes the silliest sounds and she gets so excited! I managed to capture a few on video so here they are!
We have been singing this song every night before bed since Taylor has been born and even longer than that so she is very familar with the words and has been getting so worked up when we start singing it!

Taylor being super crazy cute!

Taylor wore this dress last Sunday and I thought it was so adorable so I had to do a cute picture with it!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Patch 2007

As promised here are some pictures from the pumpkin patch and then at home with the pumpkins!
Our attempt at a family picture! Good gawd it is nearly impossible to get all these kids looking in the direction let alone all smiling!

The cousins all together and this is still super cute even though my kids aren't really looking or smiling!

It's a bird, it's a plane, oh wait it's Taylor in the sky!

The kids had a blast riding the hay ride back to pay for the pumpkins!

Okay so my attempt failed to get a cute picture of Taylor on a pumpkin!

The kiddos with their pumpkins!

Zachary having fun with the pumpkins!

Taylor somewhat having fun with the pumpkins!

Connor having fun with the pumpkins!

So there you have it so we just have to find the time to carve the pumpkins! We finally went and got Connor a halloween costume last night and he is super excited about it!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hello, Anyone Home!?

My life is crazy busy right now! I've been thinking that I need to blog for a week now but just haven't had the time to sit down and go through what I want to go through to do a blog! I've now been at my new job for two weeks and I like it. It's definantly a different expierence with a Montessori school versus regular school but it's amazing and eye opening to see what these kids are capable of and able to handle. The kids have adjusted well to daycare. Zachary was having accidents daily the first week and I kinda expected that since he didn't really know the daycare provider so he didn't really want to tell her that he has to use the bathroom. Connor of course has had an awesome time and everyone loved Taylor and everytime I picked her up it seemed like some new parent was ooing and aaing over how cute she was! But my time at that day care has ended because I thought that I would be able to qualify for child care assistance through the state but it turns out they say we make too much money so therefore if I was to stay at this same daycare all of my income plus an additional couple hundred dollars would go to daycare and that just is an impossible situation. I did get lucky and my mom's coworkers daughter who I went to high school with has two kids and stays home with them so she agreed to watch them for a third of the price so starting tomorrow they will go over to her house. I hope this adjustment goes as well as the other daycare but we'll see! The kids are getting excited for Halloween although I do not have halloween costumes yet so I need to get on that! Connor is leaving on a vacation with my parent's in two weeks and he gets to go to Disneyland so he is just over the moon about his upcoming events! Taylor seems to be doing just fine. She is wanting to crawl so bad but just can't figure out how! When she's sitting she'll put her hands in front of her and lift her butt off of the floor but just can't seem to figure out the rest of it! I'm staying busy between working and exercising but am happy to say that I am only four pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight and twenty pounds away from my goal weight! I get to go out with my friends next weekend for the first time since Taylor was six weeks old and I am so ready for it! It shall be a blast! We went to the pumpkin patch today with Asa's brother and his family and I hope to upload those pics this week! We got the kids pumpkins and I look foward to taking cute pictures with the kids and their pumpkins! But for now I will leave you with a few pictures from Taylor's flickr project!

Taylor and Connor sharing a moment! Connor can make her laugh harder than even I can do! I love watching them interact together!

Taylor enjoying her mirror time! She has all of the sudden enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror

Just a cute pic of Taylor! The boys stayed the night this night at their uncle's house so I tried to take some cute pics of Taylor that night.

My little gangsta baby! She looked soo cute in this outfit! The weather was so cold last week so this looked like something warm for her!