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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Take me out to the Ballgame!

So I went to my first baseball game in a really long time this week and we actually all had a really good time. Well except when it rained on us then it wasn't too fun. The Bend team kicked butt and won but you know I didn't really pay too much attention to the game as I was taking pictures, Zach, Connor, food and changing oh about 6 diapers in a 3 hour period cuz my dearest baby has a #2 issue right now followed with a major diaper rash so yeah kinda a busy night for me!

Even the rain didn't stop this boy from having a good time!

The boys had even more fun after the game playing on the field!

Connor's taking a shortcut to score a run!!


Pixie said...

That was a fun night...except you having to change about ELEVENTEEN diapers...and that rain wasn't too much fun either! I felt like I'd jumped in the river! Those pics are great though! ;p

Shasta's Stuff said...

Wow! Looks like you guys had a great time.