baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Really I just figured I'd throw in a random picture while I give you the latest run down since it's now been over a week since I've blogged! Although not too much has happened in the past week that is worth blogging about! This weekend I'm heading off to California! Yay!! Hopefully all goes well cuz as I've said before I'm more than a little nervous to fly on a plane by myself with two children! On Saturday morning I'm flying with just Zach and hopefully my little devil does okay! This kid is into everything and wants to do what he wants to do no matter what! Makes life interesting around here to say the least so hopefully in an airport he'll not be so into wanting to wander everywhere he is not supposed to! Connor is getting super excited about going on vacation! We've already bought him some new movies to watch on the drive down and some new toys I'm thinking he should do good! If not my mom is not gonna be a happy camper when I see her Saturday morning! On a different note I found out one of my friends is pregnant today!!!! (And for those who are gonna start guessing, I'm not telling cuz you probably are gonna guess wrong anyways!!) I am beyond excited to go through this expierence with her, it's always kinda fun to be pregnant at the same time as someone you know! It's hard to believe that I'm already 15 wks pregnant! I'm getting more anxious about finding out whether this is a boy or a girl. I get to make my appt for the long awaited ultrasound right after I get back from California. I'm such an impatient person I want to know now! I had a dream last week that it was a boy but I'm not sure if it was "my boy" because this boy was of a different ethnitcity and the women giving birth to him was not me because I had to go find Asa who again was sleeping to tell him that we had a baby! So I have no inkling as to if this is a boy or a girl, we shall see! Posted by Picasa


Pixie said...

Wow, I think your mind is playing some games on you...I'm hoping it'll be a girl, I know you're really hoping for one! I think the trip will be fun and I'm sure the boys will be excited but behaving themselves. :) So, you've got a pregnant friend, huh? So have I...I bet I know who you're talking about...I just blogged about it this morning. hehehe ;p

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

I hope your dream does NOT come true ayou have a girl...cause I know that's what you want :)

Shasta's Stuff said...

Hey there! When I flew with Dakota and he was a baby I made sure and gave him a bottle during take off and landing for his ears, or let him drink something during those times. This time I gave him gum and it worked pretty well. I had a wierd prego dream the other night too, I think I told you about it though.

Amber said...

Yeah Zach is off the bottle and just on a cup now but I was definantly planning on bringing it for him, but I need to call the airport cuz last month they had restrictions on taking liquids so I need to see what's going on with that now! And nope haven't heard anything about your dreams Shasta! I haven't talked to you on IM in awhile :-(

Megan said...

gotta love thoseweird 'birth' dreams when you're pregnant!

Life Is Good said...

Hope that you have a great trip and that your kids do great on the plane. I am sure you will do fine.

Have fun!