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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Big News and Such

Gosh I'm feeling really bad about my lack of blogging lately! I think about it but then just haven't been following through! But in the past week we have had some big news! Why don't we start with the bad and end with the good!? Taylor has pink eye :-( My little girl was not a happy camper at all and I had to stay home from work on Wednesday with her because it was still contagious until she had been on antibiotics for 24 hours! She was not a happy camper waking up looking like this but honestly who could be!

Her eye was so red and swollen but luckily it didn't stay like that for long because today she looks much healthier and happier!

The younger two were so cute tonight watching Moe and the Big Exit! Taylor absolutely loves that movie! Once it is on it has her attention for pretty much the whole 40 minutes!

And now onto the even better news! I am so excited because starting Feb. 4th Connor is getting back into school! He has been out of school since July and I am so ready for him to get back into a school envioronment and he is actually going to be going to the Montessori Center that I work at! So he is super excited and we already went and picked out his lunch box and then his slippers because each child who comes to school needs to wear their own slippers once they are inside the classroom. The owner of the school is seriously one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life and she told me that since she has never had an employee's child come to school she wasn't sure of an approiate employee discount so for now Connor gets to go to school for free! I feel so blessed because that saves us $500 bucks a month! And onto the other great news that I am so excited about as seen by this picture!

Asa and I are moving into a new house!!!!!!!!!! I am beyond excited because this house is so nice and we got really lucky to find it! We move in two weeks! The house that we are in right now is around 900 square feet, one bathroom, no dishwasher just overall way to small for a family of five. So this new house I found has four bedrooms, plus an office, two and a half bathrooms, over 2100 square feet! And a dishwasher!! Whohoo! I can't wait to move in! Here is a picture of our new house!

There you go that's what's been going on in my life from bad to good! Sorry for my lack of post lately I will try to do better!


Christy said...

Oh my god - I am so excited for you! And I am also a little jealous. I want to live in a big house, with a dishwasher. But seriously, I am so happy for you!

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

WOW! That is so great on all accounts. I am anxious to hear how this new house came about and where it is and everything. So fantastic! congrats!

Sabrina said...
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Sabrina said...
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Sabrina said...

What's the rent????

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you. I can't wait to see the new house. Let me know if you need any help packing.


Shasta's Stuff said...

So sorry for Taylor! Pink eye sucks big time! She watches TV? Logan really doesn't care about TV at all. He won't sit still, he's all over the place! That is so good about the house and the school! I know what you mean about the house! Ours is 720sqft, no dishwasher and there is either 4-8 of us sometimes! :-) But it's paid for. :-)