baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Color Selection

I learned a new trick with my Adobe photoshop and it's been fun to play with! All of the family that I've shown so far as seemed less than happy about it but I love how these turned out and think that they are absolutely adorable!! Also a little FYI for those of you who having been following my Project 365 for Taylor over at Flickr I am going to be changing all my pictures of the kids to be viewable by friends and family only so you would need to sign up for a flickr acct and add me as a friend to see the pictures. I guess some people over at another website are stealing pictures of our kids on flickr and using them to set up their own profiles and I have seen quite a few of my friends kids from flickr on there and I don't want to chance it. So sorry for the hassle about it but you know... Have a good day!!

Taylor is having so much fun standing up on her own now with minimal support from the couch! It's her new favorite thing to do until of course she face plants, then it's not so fun!

Standing tall nowadays!

Her first swimsuit when she was six weeks old! Hard to believe how tiny she was then!

All American in her red, white, and blue!
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Christy said...

I really like the pictures! I definitely need to learn how to do that...

Sabrina said...

Do a couple where it's her face that's highlighted instead of her outfits! Very cute!

Life Is Good said...

very cute!

I was checking out your progress of flikr but I don't need another hopefully you will post the uber cute ones on your blog?

Just curious..did she ever wear her Harley Davidson outfit? If yes...did you take a pic? I would like one for a photo collage I am doing. Thanks