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Friday, September 21, 2007

Life = Busy

The days just seem to get busier and busier for me! I never feel like I have any free time and now my life is about to get 100% busier. Why you ask? Well I accepeted a full time job position at a preschool here in town! While I am excited as to what this job can offer us it's still a little daunting for me. I haven't worked full time in almost six years! It's going to be incredibly hard to leave my kids in the hands of a daycare provider for the first time ever. I have never handed my pride and joy over to someone I didn't know and honestly I'm scared. Not so much for the boys as they seemed to care less if I stayed or went when we met with the daycare provider. But scared for Taylor. She is such a momma's girl and still so young. I'm not looking foward to being apart from her all day long :-( I know it will all be an adjusting period and life will go on. I just wish financially I could stay home all day with my kids but that is not the case. I was hoping that Connor would be able to go to school there with me but it is a Montessori Center and the lady told me it is a three year program that starts at age 3 so the fact that Connor is almost 5 he's missed out on almost all of the program, but next July when Zachary is three he'll get to come to school with me so that's exciting! I start work on October 1st so this next week I'm just trying to be around the kids as much as I can playing and laughing with them! In other news Taylor has started her monthly visits with the physical therapist and we just had one last week. She said that Taylor is progressing very normally right now and her only concern was that she seemed to have a slight head tilt to the right so she gave me some exercises to do with Taylor to help stretch out her neck and back. A few weeks back my mom had a dermatologist appt so she took Taylor along with her to get a doctor's opinion on Taylor's hand because it looked like she might already have a tumor and low and behold the doctor confirmed that it was a fibroma tumor. He said that as of right now we should just leave it as is and as she gets older if it starts to seem to effect her or bother her then we can remove it. It was sad to get this news because now there is no denying that she does in fact have neurofibromatosis. I was enjoying living on the hope that possibly she doesn't have it! Taylor is a growing girl though, we had her check up last week and she is 14lbs 8 ounces! Still on the small side but so were the boys so no worries there!


Christy said...

Congratulations on the new job. It sounds exciting! I am sorry to hear about Taylor.

The Writer said...

Just remember that she may never develop any other symptoms of NF1. It's totally possible that what she has now is all we'll ever see of it.

Don't give up hope, God works in mysterious ways!

Congrats on the job!

Bump Fairy said...

Awww, Mama.

I am so sorry.

Tough leaving the kids ( I could never do it. HUGE cudos to you!) and tough changing your dreams for your wee little girl. I cyber hug you.

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

congrats on the job! Sorry to hear that you have to leave those kidos every day. I know that will be hard for you. Thanks for the update. Sorry I have been kind of MIA lately. I will be in touch soon. Miss you.

Life Is Good said...

Sounds like a neat job. Hope it works well for you.
Like Frances said...don't claim something for Taylor that may never come to be. Either way...she is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm sure you will enjoy your new job, it will be hard but it will also give you some AMBER time that I'm sure you need. I know it's hard, I had to leave Dakota at 6 weeks. :-(

And with Taylor the only advice I can give you is take one day at a time, as of today she has the head tilt, so you will do her exercises with her... not so hard as of today right? My mom use to tell me, don't borrow trouble. That is what I had to do when Dr Evered told me Ko had Cystic Fibrosis, I took it one day at a time, he took his meds and I didn't borrow trouble, people kept telling me about kids having to have lung transplants, and never being able to have kids, I didn't listen, if we got to that point then I would look it up for myself, but as of that day he was outside running with other kids being a kid himself. Now he's fine. God does work in mysterious ways! ((hug))