baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I am extremely impatient with this walking thing!! But Zachary is finally getting the hang of it and starting to get braver and walk quite a few steps at once! I have been anxious for him to walk since Connor started walking at 10 months and I just assumed Zach would be an early walker too but no Zach wants to take his time! I feel it is much easier for Zach to be walking because as of right now if he goes out on our deck he crawls and gets splinters and if we go to the park he crawls and gets too dirty that way but if he's walking then I'd be more willing to take him outside to play with Connor and the park would just mainly make it easier for me if he's walking!! Posted by Picasa


Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Come on Zachary! You can do it!!!

Shasta's Stuff said...

That is awesome! Dakota was a late walker too so it's all good.

Pixie said...

Hey, he's gettin the hang of it. What a big boy! He's gonna take off and then you won't be able to keep him out of anything! hehe

Amber said...

Geesh what are you talking about Court? He's ALREADY into EVERYTHING!! Yeah that started as soon as he was crawling anything his hands could reach he would grab and the most minute thing on the floor he picks up and puts it in his mouth!!