baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Update of AAHHHH!!!

So today I got my early birthday present from my parents and they got me a new bike!!! Yay, I am so excited because now I will actually get to use my bike trailer that I bought like over a month ago!! And now no pedal will fall off in the middle of the road! I rode my bike to work today to get a feel of it and it felt awesome and it only took me like 10 minutes to get to work! And I know it will take a little longer to take Connor to Busy Buddies when I'm lugging 55 pounds of kids behind me. But I am just happy that now I have a convenient way to transport the kids to and from cuz I have to give back my mother in laws car back tomorrow :-( And do you guys realize what tomorrow is??? One year ago today I was in labor with Zachary!! I can't believe it's already been a year since he's been born. He has truly been a blessing in my life. It's crazy for me to think that one year ago I had a baby in my stomach and now a year later I have a brand new baby in my stomach!! I'm getting more and more excited about the idea of a new baby but at the same time I'm scared of what could go wrong. I find with each pregnancy I think more and more about everything that could happen and I just pray that everything will be okay and healthy (and hopefully with girl parts!!!) ;-) Just had to throw that in! Well I think that's enough rambling from me for now!!


Pixie said...

Hey there Mommy...what a b-day gift, huh? Now you know all the pieces are working and will stay on when you're riding around. Can you believe year and you're doing the PG thing all over again? I'm sure you guys are so excited about it though. And I know everything's gonna go smooth and you two are going to come out perfectly healthy...and a girl this time, I know it! ;)

Amber said...

Man I hope it's a girl too! And maybe if everyone else thinks girl thoughts too then just maybe it'll happen ;-) And yes I'm very excited about my b-day present, much needed and appreciated!