baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

I want to say first off say thank you to everyone who sent emails, brought over cards and gifts. Thank you, thank you! It was much appreciated. I had a wonderful low key birthday! I went and got a manicure/pedicure with my mom and then dinner and cupcakes at her house! I enjoyed my mani/pedi immensly! Very relaxing and as you can see I love the color I chose for my toes! I of course don't feel any older than I did yesterday but as I was telling my friend it sounds better to say that I'm about to be a mother of three at 23 versus 22!! That's a good plus for me! Cuz it's amazing the looks people give me espicially at work when they realize that not only do I have one child but I have two! People just automatically assume that I'm younger than I am, I mean I still get carded for cigarettes whenever I buy some for Asa!! Posted by Picasa


Shasta's Stuff said...

:-) Well first off I had no clue it was your birthday! So happy birthday late. I'm glad you had a good birthday! Nice toes. I still get carded too! And when you go buy beer and you obviously look pregnant that is funny too!

Pixie said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your mani/pedi and had a fun birthday. Cute little pigs, by the way! Well, talk to you later. Luv ya.

Amber said...

Little pigs?? Are you talking about my feet?

The Writer said...

Happy b-day a little late! Hope you had a good one.