baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, October 30, 2006

Connor was somewhat less than thrilled about how we actually had to take all that stuff out of the inside of the pumpkin! He only put his hands in there twice and then insisted of wanting his hands washed right away! But he did have fun helping daddy decide what faces he wanted on the pumpkins and he watched while daddy drew them on there. Proud daddy with his artwork! Posted by Picasa


Pixie said...

Oh man, that's the best part, digging around in all the pumpkin goop. I love the whole pumpkin smell too. He'll like it better when he's older.

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Those are some big pumpkins!! Looks like youhad a blast and they truend out great!