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Friday, October 27, 2006

Gettin' Bigger by the Minute!

Zachary is really starting to become a little toddler now, all over the place! The picture in the top right corner made him espcially proud that he could hold the cup in his mouth without hands just like Connor! And he espicially loves to ride that dump truck through the kitchen! We even had a ride on toy for him that actually fits and he could use that but it is just not as fun as the dump truck! Like I said he's all over the place and definantly keeps me on my toes! Posted by Picasa


Shasta's Stuff said...

Ya know time flys, I swear, they grow up so fast!

Pixie said...

He's getting so big. He's really a cutie too. I like how you put the pictures together like this, it looks cool. I'll have to do that with my scrapbooking. ;p

Amber said...

You know Courtney I put these pictures together really easily with Picasa, another reason you should get it on your computer ;-)

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Amazing how they! So cute :)