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Monday, October 16, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

So we had a wonderful time this weekend spent with Asa's family at the Pumpkin Patch. Both my kids enjoyed themselves immensly! The weather was fairly crappy but got a little better towards the end. The wind was extremely bad at first so we all got extremely dirty from all the dust kicked up into our faces! At the pumpkin patch we got to watch some pumpkin shooting, feeding the Clydesdale horses, riding an animal train, petting zoo, playing in the haystacks, and of course picking out our own pumpkins to take home! I think everyone enjoyed themselves that day and hopefully this week we'll get to carving our new pumpkins, of course that means I have to go buy some carving tools so hopefully it will get done! Posted by Picasa


Megan said...

I wanted to take Cade to the pumpkin patch this weekend, but we have to go to the mainland (we live on Vancouver Island) for conferences.. well, there's one more weekend before Halloween! Looks like your kids had fun.. what a nice fmaily pic! That's one for the Christmas card =)

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

That is a GREAT picture!

Pixie said...

Sounds like so much fun, I wish we would have known about that...another thing to try to fit into our busy weekend. LOL

Life Is Good said...

That was a lot of fun.
This is a really nice family pic!