baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We have Survived!

So we have survived moving to a new house! These past few weeks have been just craziness and right now I don't have internet service at the new house so I'm out at my parent's house right now and figured I'd update! The move actually went super smooth we managed to get everything moved over in one day and we had extra incentive to get things orgnanized at the new house because the day after we moved in we had Taylor's birthday party at the house! We had over twenty people there and it was so nice to be able to have the room for everyone to be there. Taylor had an awesome time and I can't believe she is one now! She is still not walking but we are practicing with her everyday. The babysitter said she took two steps at her house by herself but I haven't seen her do it yet, hopefully soon!
She has been enjoying walking with assistance! She'll use this thing as often as Zachary will let her get her hands on it! The minute he sees her using it he trys to take it being the two year old who wants what he wants when he wants it!

Taylor and daddy playing with her new ukele on her birthday! Grandma and Papa got each one of the kids one in Hawaii they are so cute!

She enjoyed her birthday cake! And luckily I didn't even have to clean up the mess that she made all over herself and the high chair!

The babysitter got her this balloon and she was fascinated by it! And she was even more fascinated by the fact that she can stand by herself and play with a toy at the same time!

The kids sure did enjoy the snow we had a few weeks back! I think this is one of my favorite pics of Connor!

Zachary enjoying the snow as well!

Last thursday I met my sister in law at my old house so we could clean it up and right when we got there Connor was playing right next to my sister in laws car. The neighbor two houses down had gone to get the mail and taken her two dogs with her. When the bigger dog saw Connor he starting running towards him and attacked him. Both dogs knocked Connor down into a mud puddle and it all happened so quick that I really don't know exactly what happened. Connor was so upset at the incident that it took me over thirty minutes to calm him down. When I got inside I took off his jacket and that is when we noticed these gashes on his back.

I didn't know what to do so I waited till Asa got to the house and then we walked over to the neighbors house and we talked with the lady. She felt incredibly bad and she said that the only other time that her dog has done that is when a kid in bundled up in snow jackets. But she said that her dogs are up to date on all of their shots so for now we are just putting medicine on it every night. I'm glad that it happened now since we don't live there anymore. Because I don't want Connor to be afraid to go outside when the dogs are around. His gashes are looking a lot better now and they look just like scratches now and he is not talking about it as much now so I hope he won't be too emotionally scarred from this!

So that is what I've been up to lately! I hope to post more pictures of the house soon because I am absolutely in love with it! I love how much space I have and the kids are all adjusting well to the changes going on!


Shasta's Stuff said...

That is horrible about Connor! I hope he gets better soon and is not afraid of dogs. Awesome about the house I can't wait to see pictures!

Christy said...

I am so excited to hear about your new house! We definitely need more pictures.

I can not believe that Taylor is already a year old. That means I have been reading your blog for about a year. I started reading a few weeks before she was born.

And Poor Connor. I am sure he won't be scarred for life. I used to be terrified of dogs, and now I love them.

Sabrina said...

RE Connor.

First you inform the neighbor that your son was hurt(check). THEN you call the ASPCA and report the dog. THEN you file and press a complaint. THEN you breathe easy as the dog is removed and the safety of the other neighborhood children is aided. Because the dog has done it before, and think how much less trauma Connor would have if only that person had reported it. His back looks aweful, but my first thought was thank God he wasn't Killed since that is a real possability with super aggressive dogs and lazy owners ( I say lazy here because.... the dog had done it before!! And was still allowed the opportunity to do it again. )
*ahem*. Off soapbox.
Glad the move went well! And WOW I can't believe Taylor is already a year old!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.