baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Alas one of my dear friends wants a picture of me on here. My first thought is why would someone want to see a picture of me, cuz I sure as heck don't!! But maybe not everyone wants to see pics of my boys everytime except of course me and my grandma!! So there you go a pic of me.(Had to put ones of me and Connor though cuz the ones of just me look kinda funny!)I figured I'd put up a pic of us before I started working out too, can you tell the difference? Still working out a lot and I'm actually enjoying it which is suprising for me! But other than that nothing too interesting going on with me, I'm getting excited for Fourth of July and of course July 3rd which is going to be a blast!! Some of our friends are up visiting from San Diego and a bunch of our friends and us are all going out to dinner and then drinking on the 3rd!! I'm so excited, just to have everyone back together and to hang out and have a good time! Then on the fourth if all goes as planned the brand new activity pool is opening at Juniper so we are going to kiddies there and then to Gregg and Tressa's for an awesome BBQ and watching the fireworks! Asa has all next week off too so hopefully we'll do some fun stuff together and maybe work on unpacking the rest of our boxes, finally!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 23, 2006

My Water Baby

Zachary has discovered how much fun it is to fall into the water in my parents hot tub!! He would do this the entire time if I would let him! Posted by Picasa
Love this picture! If you look closely you can see his face under the water! Posted by Picasa
Coming up from out of the water! Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 19, 2006


We bought a bike trailer last week for me to start riding my bike to take Connor to Busy Buddies and I was way excited about it! We got it all set up this weekend and Asa and I each took practice runs around the block with the kids to see how much they'd like it and they enjoyed it immensly, espically Connor!
So today I get everyone ready and we're off to the pool. My bike was acting kinda funny and I made it about halfway to the pool and my entire pedal came off!! How crazy is that!? So here I am on the side of the road trying to put my pedal back on and it's not working for me at all. I call my dad and he's at work about to go to a suicide call so who knows how long he'll be! My next option is my friend! I call her up and in no time she comes and picks me up and takes Connor to Busy Buddies and then takes me home. I am so grateful for her because whenever I need anything she is there, no questions asked! Thank you Court!!! So then as soon as I get home my dad calls and comes to my house and picks me up. We go to my bike and he uses a hammer to get it back on cuz he says its missing a bolt and that it should be okay for a little bit till he can find a bolt to put on it. I get on my bike to ride it home and the pedals are off so as you move your feet one pedal is supposed to be at the bottom and one at the top but no they were both in the middle! So therefore I had to walk my bike home and it was a pain is the a** and now who knows when I'll get to ride again! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Wow!!! I am so proud of my little boy right now! After the bath tonight I took him out and set him on the potty chair and he actually went pee!!!! My 11 month old going pee in the potty! Now I know that this doesn't mean he's gonna be potty trained soon or anything like that just wanted everyone to know how proud I am!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

One more Video for today!

This is the type of stuff that my son is gonna hate me for when he's older! Somehow he came up with this all on his own!

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Porter time!

This was taken at my brother's house and usually my brother's dog Porter doesn't want anything to do with Connor or Zachary. He avoids both of them at all costs, except of course this time! I love it!

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Take me out to the Ballgame!

So I went to my first baseball game in a really long time this week and we actually all had a really good time. Well except when it rained on us then it wasn't too fun. The Bend team kicked butt and won but you know I didn't really pay too much attention to the game as I was taking pictures, Zach, Connor, food and changing oh about 6 diapers in a 3 hour period cuz my dearest baby has a #2 issue right now followed with a major diaper rash so yeah kinda a busy night for me!

Even the rain didn't stop this boy from having a good time!

The boys had even more fun after the game playing on the field!

Connor's taking a shortcut to score a run!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Geesh has it really been a week and a half since I last blogged? Wow time flies when you're busy! Nothing too interesting going on with me just same old work, kids, family, and working out. I haven't lost any more weight yet still just 20 pounds but I'm still trying to. My goal would be for now to lose 15 more pounds by September. And then hopefully if all goes as I would like, Asa and I are going to be trying for our third child. Asa feels it will be too soon but Zach will be 14 months then so when this child is born Zach will be a month shy of two. When Connor was a month shy of two we were pregnant with Zachary so I don't feel that it's too soon. But we shall see how much convincing I have to do to Asa to get him to agree. And then if it's a girl then we'll be done having kids and I can focus on really trying to lose ALL of my baby weight! Anyone who knows the slightest bit about me knows just how much I am yearning for a girl! I can't imagine my life without a daughter and the sooner I get to trying for that girl the better! I wouldn't change anything about my life though, two boys is what I was meant have (for now!) and they mean everything to me! I mean cmon how could you not love to spend time with these boys....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Cousins Forever!!

Today we had Asa's dads Memorial Run at the elementary school. It was a lot of fun watching all these kids run to support a cause! I had even more fun after the race taking pictures of my family! I thought that this picture turned out pretty good except for my kid but the rest of the kids are smiling! So cute! Posted by Picasa

So cute!

I absolutely love this picture!! Posted by Picasa


The men having fun playing football! And Dakota loves being in the middle of that action! Posted by Picasa

Courtney and I decided to take the kids to the park, again! The boys have such a blast hanging out and I myself don't mind the adult conversation that I get to have while the children play! Connor and Seb liked playing in the baseball field and I love this picture of them, don't know why but I think it's really cute! Posted by Picasa

Seb and Connor at the park. Alas we tried to get him to smile but he just wasn't having it today! Posted by Picasa
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We took these kids to the park yesterday and Zachary absolutely loves the swings!