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Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm Back!

Okay I'm back and hopefully in action! I had a completely hellish week last week but now we are moving foward so now I have a tad bit more motivation to blog! In my absence Taylor learned how to sit! I worked with her hard for over a week because I'm neurotic and right when she turned six months and she wasn't sitting up and I know that with neurofibromatosis there can be developmental delays I went full force into wanting her to sit! I was constantly propping her help and slowly but surely a week later she got the hang of it which makes me happy! I am staying busy trying to keep up with my Project 365 for Taylor over at flickr! I'm trying to work on my photoshop skills so some of these pictures are edited not the greatest cuz I lose my patience after working on a photo for so long! The boys are doing good, I'm working on potty training Zachary right now. He went pee in the potty once yesterday and once today. I had him without a diaper for four hours this morning and finally he went pee in the potty! I knew he was holding it in so Asa and I are going to try to go full force in this potty training thing and hopefully he'll start to get the hang of it quickly! One less diaper to change would be nice! Taylor had her genetics tele medicine appt last week and while it went good the doctor didn't tell us much that we didn't already know from all the sites we've been to on the internet. He did take a look at quite a few of her spots and he said that we are going to need to come see him in person in a year over at OHSU and he wants to do a full exam and have one of his genetics opthamologist do a vision test on her then as well. And Asa and I are still discussing about the gene testing. I thought it was agreed upon that we would do it but now he is saying that he doesn't want to so him and I need to discuss that more in depth. So for now with Taylor we will just continue to do her monthly visits with the early intervention center and go from there!
Okay so I totally stole this idea from another photographer but it was so cute and I think it's absolutely adorable! Gotta love baby butts!

Taylor's first tattoo! She actually got one on each arm. She could care less about it as seen by her expression but Connor sure got a kick out of seeing her with a tattoo!

It's amazing what fixing my hair and putting on some makeup will do to my mood! I've been feeling all sluggish and in mommy mode so I decided to jazz it up a little!

My boys being super cute!

Gotta love the big cheeks! I love when I take her picture and her cheeks pop out like that! Zachary has those same cheeks and I remember when he was first learning how to eat real food I couldn't tell if he had food in his mouth or not cuz his cheeks were so big! Obviously I'll have that same problem with Taylor :-)


Life Is Good said...

Very cute pics and you look very pretty in your pic! You are is amazing what doing a little something to yourself can do for your mood.

Anonymous said...

Taylor looks so cute. She is getting so big. And you look like a bomb-shell momma. I can't wait to see you hear in the next few months. Take care.

Christy said...

Yay for sitting up! I remember how excited I was when Porgie started sitting up. It really drives home the idea that your baby is growing up - and fast!

You look awesome in your photo! I can't remember the last time I tried to look even half-way descent. Honestly, I put my hair in a pony tail about 6 days out of the week. BLAH.

Megan said...

Hey hot momma!
Taylor's looking quite proud of herself for sitting up, that's awesome! Sounds like there's major milestones happening over there with that and potty training. We're trying to do the p-t too, but Cade tells us after the fact, so that's no use!