baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Fun, Fun Fun!!!

So I took the kids to the park today with Courtney and Seb. All the boys had a blast. This was Zach's first time at the park and he did absolutely awesome! We were there for over two hours and he didn't fuss at all. But I have to tell you I completely forgot about sunscreen and so Zach and I are a little red now! Luckily Zach isn't too bad but my face is pretty darn red and you can tell that I wore sunglasses! The park that we went to is actually right down the street from our new house so hopefully I'll be taking them there often! Towards the end Zachary started to really like the slide but he didn't realize that he'd have to take his hands off the side to go down so he would get himself stuck and it was pretty darn cute! Gosh I love these boys so much, they never fail to make me laugh!

1 comment:

Shasta's Stuff said...

That looks like fun! Hopefully we can take the kids together to the park since you will have to go right by my house to get there! :-) I so want a day off! I'm tired of working everyday!