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Friday, November 24, 2006

Belly Time

There's the latest on the belly! I've been trying to mess around with photoshop and figure out how to use all the features so hope you like it! And I'm also happy to report that we are really close to having a name and hopefully in the next week we'll reach a final decision. I can't believe that I only have 3 months left in this pregnancy! It seems like time has flown by! I really enjoy my time at night with her because it's about the only time at all that I feel her move. I love to lay on my bed and just wait, sometimes she starts kicking right away other times she doesn't. I'm not too upset about not feeling her all the time cuz this is the exactly the way it was with my other kids as well. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

You really look happy and I can tell she is growing!

Be sure and let me know when you have a name for her. I just refer to her as my first great-granddaughter.

Give the boys a kiss for me.

Love - Nana

Shasta's Stuff said...

Hey I've seen that pic! :-) looking good! When would you like to get together and do the pics?

Pixie said...

Cute belly. I'm glad you are getting time with her, even if it's only at night. Good luck with the baby names.

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Yay for belly pics!!!

Becka said...

You are looking very cute. I can't wait to see you and your GIRL.

Unknown said...

Simply Beautiful!