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Sunday, December 10, 2006

The joys of seeing Santa

So I was completely bummed because since I've been working so much I missed taking my kids to see Santa. But Asa took them yesterday and they went to my mom's work to get their picture taken with Santa. Asa tells me that Zachary was fine with sitting on Santa's lap only until Santa tried to talk to him then all hell broke loose. They had to take a quick picture because Zachary was just screaming with his hands out saying "dada, dada" And then I guess Connor was looking at the elf's shoes and not at the camera! Oh well, can't get a good picture everytime! But Connor was very excited to talk to Santa and he told him that he wanted balls, trucks, and cars! So I'm sure he'll get some of that from Santa ;-) Posted by Picasa


Pixie said...

Poor Zach, what is it about Santa that scares little kids? I'm glad Connor got to tell him what he's wanting this year...Sorry you missed out on seeing Santa with them. Just think of how fun it'll be next year, with three!

Megan said...

hahah! What an awesome picture! Is your Santa sponsered by coke?! I'd be glad I missed out on this one, Amber!

Amber said...

Megan~ Nope don't think it's sponsored by Coke. It's just that it was at the grocery store so that's probably the best background they could come up with!

Shasta's Stuff said...

I still need to take the kids to see Santa! Thanks for reminding me. :-) Bummer on missing out on it, there's always next year. I missed out on a lot of things with Dakota being a single mom. Good thing you have Asa hu? :-)

Anonymous said...

They look so cute. Hopefully next you will be able to go and get Zach to smile.
