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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Cuteness Overload

So my parent's got a new camera which means I have taken over using it whenever we are at their house! I want a new camera now! The picture quality is so much better than mine! For the past few weeks when we go out to my parent's on Sundays for dinner I've been having photo shoots with the kids and it's been fun..... for the most part! Zachary didn't enjoy one aspect of it as you can see!

Taylor was really enjoying the red licorice!!

Holy cuteness! As soon as I put this outfit on her I wanted to start taking pictures! She looked so adorable! It's actually a shirt that is a size 3 but it fit her as a dress so she will wearing that for a long time!

Daddy took this picture and him and Connor were being silly together! I love how it turned out!

Zachary being silly!

Taylor in another one of her super cute shirts!

Connor playing a little peek a boo

She loves sitting outside watching all the kids and dogs run around!

Okay so my dad has this ski mask that he has had forever and Zachary absolutely despises it. As soon as he sees that someone is wearing it he instantly freaks out but Connor got such a kick out of wearing it! So here is Connor wearing the hat.

And here is Zachary's reaction to seeing someone in the hat, priceless if you ask me!


Christy said...

I love the pictures. What type of camera is it? And I love Taylor's clothes. She is so hip and stylish!

Sabrina said...

Yes, love the shots.. what camera, please??

Amber said...

Okay the camera is a Sony that my dad got at Sears but here is a link to it at

Anonymous said...

The pictures are very cute. I special love the one of Taylor with the red licorice.