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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Have I told you my son is Crazy!?

Okay Zachary is my special child. I believe he is going to be the one to give me hell through all childhood! He is extrmeley stubborn, extremely opinionated, and an extreme annoyance to his older brother! Zachary is also extremely prone to hurting himself. He likes to do this cry where he doesn't breathe and then he passes out because he didn't breathe. Yeah great fun in my house when he does that! I've actually called 911 on him back in September for that because he honestly scares the s**t out of me when he does that! I can think of at least five incidents in the past 6 months where he has gotten hurt, started crying, and passes out. I've decided already that this kid will not play football when he gets older! Anyways moving on to last Saturday night. I was on the computer editing pictures for Taylor's 365 project, Asa was outside, and the boys were jumping on my bed. Zachary somehow manages to fall off the bed and instantly starts his cry where he is about to pass out. I drop the computer on the floor run over there and pick him up so that I can blow in his face to get him breathing again. When I pick him up he won't stand on his legs at all. I got scared picked him up got him somewhat calmed down and then took him outside to Asa. Asa looked over his leg said that nothing appeared broken so I took him back inside and set him down on the couch to watch TV. After 20 minutes or so I tried to stand him up to walk and his legs were all wobbly and he would instantly start crying. I decided I should take him to the emergency room. So 8 o'clock saturday night I take off to take him over to the hospital. Three and a half hours later, multiple x-rays later, I was informed that there were no broken bones and he more than likely tore some ligaments on his foot and basically sprained his ankle. They wanted him in a splint for 2-3 days and then let him slowly get used to putting weight back on his feet. So this is what he's looked like for the past few days, wobbling around the house! This morning I took it off and he appears to be walking normally and everything looks good! On a side note I would say as of right now he is 99% potty trained!! He goes without a diaper all day and will tell me each time he has to go pee and we've only had one accident in the last week! Yay!!


Christy said...

I am so sorry to hear about Zachary hurting himself. I know that it makes you a nervous wreck. Porgie fell off the couch (head first) last week, and I almost had a heart attack.

However, he looks very adorable in the splint. What a cutie!

Life Is Good said...

You are gonna have fun when he is older.
Glad it's you and not me! ha ha

The Writer said...

Oy! Corb used to do the "silent cry" and I hated it with an unequaled passion. He never passed out, thank God. I can see how that would stop your heart! I'm glad he's doing better and I hope there is no lasting damage.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Dianne ever tell you about Galina? When she was at one and half and for one horrid year she would on a daily basis and several times a day hold her breath and pass out. I called 911 numerous times. I had to learn, from the red cross how to resusciate her. She would do it whenever her anger boiled over, either when she was hurt or mad for not getting her way. Some times she would have what they call a grand mal (seisure), those were scary. The doctors could never come up with a medical reason.
Lots of Love
Aunt Lynn
BTW: I've enjoyed all pics and posts!