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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Doctor's Appt

I had my doctors appt this morning. It's hard to believe that I'm now on to my every two week appts. It makes me realize that yes this baby is going to be here sooner rather than later. While I'm extremely excited to finally see my daughter I'm definantly more than a little nervous as to how I'm going to handle three children. My life seems so busy with the boys and Zachary still seems like more of a baby to me than the little toddler he's turning into. But there's no turning back and I'll get through it! Anyways getting sidetracked my appt went well. I had my glucose screening test so I had to drink my lemon lime drink and then sit there for an hour. Don't know the results of that test but am fairly confident that there' s nothing to worry about. Gained two pounds in the past month so I'm at my original weight now. I need to get my butt into the gym to start exercising cuz I was told that at this point exercise will be the only thing that maintains my weight. I've been severly slacking in that dept the past 6 weeks. I'm no longer riding my bike to work since it's dark when I leave work and that was my main form of exercise. I'm hoping in January I can convince myself to exercise at least 2-3 times a week. We'll see! Our little girl was doing wonderfully in the appt, heart rate was strong and I'm measuring exactly as I should be. I had talked before about a name and I thought Asa and I were close to an agreement but he has since recanted on what he originally said. It might still be her name cuz I'm done looking through name books and if he wants to continue looking then he can but for some reason I don't see him doing that so it might just take more convincing on my part before I know for sure! Okay good enough update for you guys?


Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Thanks fir the update! Glad to hear all is going well with you and that baby girl! :)

Anonymous said...

I like the name you had picked out and so does Teri so stick to your guns!

So happy to hear everything is OK.

Give Zachary & Connor a big kiss from their Nana.

Love you - Nana

Pixie said...

Sounds like everything is going well. That's awesome! Hope you guys can pick a name soon, I'm anxious to hear what you're choices are. I've been meaning to get into the gym. Let me know when you're going and we can cruise up there together.

karla said...

So glad to hear everything is going well. I think the name Asa is so pretty.

Megan said...

You haven't announced the name, right?? I haven't missed anything?
Why are you so worried about the weight thing? Gain and be merry, is my philosophy. Although this is partly to spite my OB since he called me fat at the last appt. (He's has a **** of a bedside manner, apparently!)
2 1/2 more days of work, then Mat leave begins and I can concentrate on blogging and commenting! hahaha!

Life Is Good said...

Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!