baby Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Oh the cuteness! I decided to break out the camera today since it's been awhile to see if I could get any good shots of the boys. Well I got a few and here's one! Today Zachary is 18 months old!! I can't believe it! He's getting to be such a big boy but then in other ways still seems much like a baby to me! Hard to believe that he's gonna be a big brother next month! I know I know I've already talked about how much it freaks me out that next month I'm going to be giving birth! But seriously as each day passes and that means I'm one more day closer to having three kids I get more and more freaked out about it! I think I'm going to be purchasing one of those baby slings to carry her around in and hopefully that will help me manage all of them by myself! Anyone got any opinons on the baby slings good, bad or who knows? On a little bit of a different note I'm happy to say that Asa finally got a job!! Very excited, he starts tomorrow and I couldn't be more ready for him to start :-p I'm looking foward to not working so much myself now! I feel like I've been working so much and giving so much energy to all these other kids when I work that when I come home I'm so tired and don't have the energy to spend much time with my own kids and I'm ready for that to change!
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Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear Asa got a job. I just hope he realizes how important it is for him to work and take care of his family.

Give Connor & Zachary a big kiss from their nana.

Love you - Nana

Sabrina said...

Love love love baby slings! I used a MaiTai for a few of the early months with Kael and still use the basic ring sling when we go shopping.. little bugger outgrew his bucket car seat SO fast! I also have an older Bjorn that is super comfy that I can pass on to you... it is the MOST comfy of the slings but he is just too big for it! Perhaps we could Chatterbeans later this month after I move and I could pass on some of my girl/sling stuff..... Glad Asa found work! Now it's time for you to REST!

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Such a precious picture! Congrats to Asa on the job, that is so exciting.

Pixie said...

I've never used a baby sling, just the snuggly little carriers, but I hear Baby Bjorn is a good brand. LOL Congrats on Asa's job, we're really happy for you guys. The boys are so cute, I like that pic of them...And I hear ya on the whole "nervous about baby" thing. I was fine with Seb but I'm very anxious for this one. Can't wait to meet her tho!

Megan said...

Cade was not a fan of the sling, but I think if I had stuck with it and changed his positioning, I could have made it work. Am definitely into the sling for this one, though! It's the only way I imagine things working around here!
Kidlets look SOOOO cute in this picture! What is it that you do, job wise? I thought (for some reason) you were a full time SAHM?
Am also feeling apprehensive about the birth.. I think because I remember all the pain and yucky things about Cade's, and it was only a year ago! One tip I got from another blogging friend is to buy "depends" or another similar undergarment for all the post-birth yuckiness. I thought it was a great idea, saves you from worrying about 'pad placement'. (sorry if this grosses your other readers out!)

Anonymous said...

congrats to asa and his job sorry didnt call sunday had to work. the boys are getting big. cant wait to see what taylor is gonna look like. love you guys auntie becky

Amber said...

Mama Beans~yes chatterbeans at the end of this month! Let me know what days would work for you! I would love to borrow the sling from you!
Megan~ I work for a swim/fitness center doing their child care and teaching a preschool program
And to everyone else thanks for the congrats for Asa and I! I'm happy that things will start to look up for us!

Megan said...

Cool job!
And I meant to congraulate Asa too!
New question: what kind of car are you going to buy/have bought to accomodate the 3 kidlets? My friend just found out she's VERY unexpectedly expecting her 3rd and this is the big dilemma in her house! Any ideas?

Amber said...

Megan~Asa and I were going to be purchasing a SUV that has the third row seat but financially it was not in our best interest, and my parents bought a new car so in turn decided to give us their old minivan so yeah....I'm rollin' in a mini van! Not my idea of a good time but beggers can't be choosers :-) But if you're going to be having a third child an SUV or something with third row seats is a must cuz you don't want the kids all crammed together in one seat and fighting with eachother within arms reach of eachother! Hope that helps somewhat :-)