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Saturday, February 17, 2007

One week old!

I can't believe it's already been a week! My sweet girl is one week old! Not sure if this time has flown by or dragged on, a little of both. It's been quite an adjustment for me going from two kids to three. I feel like I'm all over the place trying to take care of everyone and everything. Connor is doing exceptionally awesome with Taylor, he gets so excited when her eyes are open. And he's been talking to her and each time he starts out with Hi I'm Connor and this is mommy and she's gonna take care of you! It's so sweet to listen to him talk to her! I hope to get it on video soon :-) He's only held her a couple times and he's gets bored of it quite fast so it only lasts about 5 seconds. Zachary on the other hand could really care less that she's even here. Only in the past three days has he even acknowledged that she exists. He'll say baby and then touch her head but I've been trying to get him to say Taylor or to give her a kiss but he is not interested at all. Although he is interested in her binky and proceeds to run off with a big smile and the binky in his mouth whenever I'm not looking! Asa was able to take a few days off this week and help me out with was good. I was definantly nervous for him to go back to work but it was more relaxing than I thought it would be. I even managed to take Connor to his preschool with all of them and it wasn't stressful for me. My mom purchased a stroller for us that holds the car seat so I take that and Zachary loves to help me push the stroller and it has so far worked perfectly when we take Connor to school! Taylor is doing well. As of this point we're still having some issues with her jaundice. I've been having to take her to the doctor everyday since Wednesday to get her bilirubin levels checked cuz I guess that they're not going down fast enough. We go back in tomorrow to test the levels again and hopefully this will be the last time. Her one foot is all bruised from where they keep poking her and I've been rotating which foot they poke each day. She also has a clogged eye duct right now so I've been trying to keep up on that. I have to rinse her eye with a warm washcloth everytime she wakes up and then massage the inner part of her eye and so far it's helped it go down a little bit on the gooiness. It was getting to the point where she couldn't even open that eye cuz it was so much gunk there but now it's not so bad and she opens both her eyes right away when she wakes up. Feeding time with her as gotten better since I started pumping instead of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is something that I have never enjoyed with any of my kids and I only do it strictly cuz it's what's best for them. Taylor was having trouble latching on and then she'd fall asleep right away even after repeated attempts to wake her up to eat more. I was getting frustrated and decided that it was in my best interest to pump instead and she's been taking to the bottle good and eating more at each feeding which in turn helps her sleep longer than a half an hour period at night! Asa's been pretty awesome with helping me at night. He usually stays up later than I do so if he's still awake when she wakes up he'll take care of her so I can get more than a few hours of sleep at a time! And that's about it for what's been going on in the past week! Asa gave the kids a bath last night and I think it's safe to say that they had a good time! Ahhh they are so cute!!!!
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Ashley said...

Wow, she is just gorgeous! Sounds like quite the busy week for you. Hopefully you can enjoy the time before Asa goes back to work.

Anonymous said...

What a busy week. I hope that Zachary will soon take an likely to his new sister. She looks so cute.

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

That is an amazing picture of her. Sounds like you have had a busy but good week. I am excited to hear more and see her grow!

Christy said...

You are amazing! I don't know how you handle three kids and pumping. I pumped with my daughter, and it was sooooo time consuming.

I am glad to hear that everyone is adjusting so well. By the way, your daughter so too cute!

Sabrina said...

So sorry breastfeeding is a challenge! I always hated the first 4 weeks nursing. Painful! Awkward! But I loved it once we got over the "hump" and baby finally learned how to latch/suck ( my kids were chewers). Good that you're pumping though! Breastmilk is SO important those first 6 weeks!