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Friday, February 02, 2007

Am I excited?

So this question has been asked to me numerous times in the past few weeks and I honestly don't know the correct answer to give. Of course I'm excited to meet my daughter but at the same time I'm still scared to take on three kids. Zachary and Connor already have me where I'm feeling soo busy so I'm just not sure how I'm going to be able to do all three and have everyone get the attention they need and deserve. But I have I feel turned over a new leaf in the past few weeks where I'm not as scared as I was before. I'm ready to face this challenge head on and find a solution that works for me. Yes it'll be hard right in the beginning but hopefully we'll all fall into a routine and adjust okay. So to answer everyone's question yes I'm excited but just a little worried right along with the excitement! I still just look down at my belly and stare in amazement that I am almost done with my final pregnancy. This time has overall flown by and I can't believe she's almost here. I'm very happy with this pregnancy. I feel awesome. No back pain, no new stretch marks, I can still put my shoes on somewhat comfortably, and best of all the fact that I've only gained 3 pounds!! I know I've talked about it before but I'm honestly pretty proud of myself and even better my doctor is pretty proud of me for my weight gain. I attribute feeling awesome in this pregnancy to that very fact that I haven't gained much weight. On a side note another doctor visit down yesterday and I had him recheck my cervix because of a certain need to change my underwear too many times in a day and I'm now a little over 3cm dilated which isn't much of a change from last week but I'm now 90% effaced! So in the last week I've gone from 50% to 90%!! My doctor says my cervix couldn't be more ready than what it is so now we're just waiting on Taylor to decide when she's ready to come! Of course if Taylor decides she doesn't want to come too early I have a doctor appt on Valentines day and we will strip my membranes and hopefully go into labor that day. So while you all enjoy your roses and chocolate I'll enjoy hopefully holding my daughter in my arms!


Megan said...

Jealous, jealous!

I know what you mean about the excitement and the nervous anticipation.. I just can't wait to feel physically better, I feel I can't cope right now because my body can't keep up with Cadester, but I know that once the baby's out I'll feel 100% better instantly and better able to deal with the antics of two!

You'll do great, Amber! Keep us posted on the progress!

Katie@The Mommy Miles said...

Yay! Yay! You are going to be great with all 3 kids. I can't wait to see her either!

Pixie said...

Well, I'm excited for you. I hope she arrives just like you're planning and I'm sure that you'll work out a routine pretty fast with all three kids...You've always got the cool/relaxed look about you, so I doubt you have anything to worry about. ;)

Shasta's Stuff said...

Yay! :-) See I never got to 50% because the cord was wrapped around his neck and he didn't drop down fully.
Congrats to you!

Megan said...

You better get roses AND chocolates anyways!