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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Definantly not the best week ever

This past week has been pretty excruciating for me. As of tomorrow morning I have been sick for 8 days and haven't had my voice for 7 of those 8 days. This sucks! I keep going to bed each night thinking I'll feel better in the morning but then when I wake up I feel just as bad as the night before. I've been tossing and turning every night because of my cough and runny nose that tends to keep me up. And you know one of the lovely symptons of pregnancy which is losing bladder control when you sneeze? Yeah I have that when I cough and I swear I have gone through more underwear than I thought was possible this week! On Friday I woke up with pain in my right cheek that has been constant now for three days. I called the doctor on Friday and talked to a nurse who prescribed me prescription cough medicine. I went and picked that up Friday night and started taking it right away and while it's helped minimally with my cough it hasn't done a damn thing for any of my other symptons! I have thrown up more times this week than I have through each of my previous pregnancies combined! I was told by the nurse on Friday to do nothing this weekend but rest. I talked with my boss at the pool and we found someone to work for me Saturday but I also still have my other job that I have to do on the weekends. My mom told me she would help me out with my other job so she worked for 2 hours for me and I worked 3 hours. Again not fun at all. I came home just exhausted, tired, and ready to lay down. So I spent the remaining Saturday laying down as much as I could and today spent the morning in bed. Asa has been somewhat responsive to watching the kids for this weekend. But if the kids see me in bed they automatically want in bed with me so they've spent a good part of the weekend in bed with me. Today as I was looking online trying to figure out why my face would be in so much pain I discovered that it might be a sinus infection. So I decided that I would call my mom to pick up the kids and Asa and I would go for a visit at the hospital. When I got to the hospital they sent me to the birthing center to make sure everything was okay with her first and thankfully she was fine. Her heartrate was 163 and was steady the whole time. I was at least happy for that part because with the way I've been feeling, I've definantly been more than a little worried about how she's doing. After the birthing center it was back to the emergency room where after discussing the same symptons with 3 different nurses I was finally put in a room. I waited in that room for 45 minutes before the doctor came to see me. He seemed confused as to why I was even in there and after looking me over he said that it's just a basic cold and he doesn't know why I'd be having pain in my face. He told me he wasn't going to give me antibiotics he just wants me to ride it out and see how that goes. I was somewhat dissapointed that nothing was wrong with me because I want some good medicine to make it go away! After dealing with all of this for a week already it was not what I wanted to hear. So Asa and I were sent home and now I sit here with a throbbing pain in my face and getting ready to take some cough medicine and go to bed. Say a few prayers for me if you can :-)


Anonymous said...

I hope that you get feeling better.


Shasta's Stuff said...

I'm sooo sorry you feel like crap. I hate it when I'm sick then adding the pregnancy on top of that makes it worse. Glad your little girl is good though. I know it's hard by try and rest.

Pixie said...

Oh my gosh, what a week, huh? I hope you start feeling better soon. I'm glad she's doing well though, hopefully that will put your mind at ease a little. Feel better!

Life Is Good said...

Sorry you are feeling bad. How nice of Connor to share with you!

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Being pregnant is taxing enough without all the little bugs going around helpin out!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the informative information - I enjoyed reading it! I always enjoy this blog. :) Cheers,